IAFF delegates adopt nearly 40 resolutions during opening days of 57th Convention

August 28 • 2024

Delegates and alternates ended the second day of the IAFF’s 57th Convention in Boston by adopting several resolutions:

Resolution 1: Amends the Constitution and By-Laws to include the Northern Mariana Islands in District 10 and Trustee Region 3; and Nunavut in District 13.

Resolution 2: Establishes a 32-member Sergeant-at-Arms Committee, appointed by the General President and including at least two members from each IAFF district, to manage delegate admission and perform additional assigned duties.

Resolution 3: Establishes a procedure for placing a Local union into conservatorship to address corruption, financial malpractice, or operational issues, with oversight by an appointed IAFF representative and a maximum term of 180 days.

Resolution 4: Revises the IAFF convention site selection process, eliminating the bid process and allowing delegates to choose from up to three options presented by the Executive Board, with IAFF assuming full host responsibilities after 2028.

Resolution 6: Calls for a change in the effective date of all amendments to coincide with the revised per capita increase effective date of Oct. 1.

Resolution 7: Proposes increasing the per capita by 27 cents to boost the Emergency Disputes Fund, which is essential for supporting affiliates in legal and emergency disputes.

Resolution 9: The Ladies Auxiliary to the IAFF shall be officially disbanded and the name of the President of the Ladies Auxiliary to the IAFF no longer be printed in the International Fire Fighter. This resolution does not prohibit or limit IAFF affiliates from having auxiliary groups.

Resolution 10: Amends the Constitution and By-Laws to specify that notice of charges against officers or members must be sent by mail or email and by a trackable method to the accused, with simultaneous notification to the General President’s office, District Vice Presidents, and relevant state or provincial associations, making the process clearer and more economical.

Resolution 11: Amends the Constitution and By-Laws to extend retirement and survivor benefits to dependents of principal officers if both the officer and their spouse are deceased, and to specify conditions under which these benefits are granted or withheld.

Resolution 13: Amends the Constitution and By-Laws to allow the General President to delegate editorial duties for the International Fire Fighter magazine and to remove outdated content requirements.

Resolution 14: Requires state/provincial associations and joint councils to conduct annual independent financial inspections and submit reports to the General Secretary-Treasurer, who will have audit access to their records.

Resolution 16: Amends the Constitution and By-Laws to better clarify that the cost of travel and accommodations for vice president emeriti to attend convention is covered by the IAFF.

Resolution 17: Establishes a “Bill of Rights” for fire fighters participating in research, requiring adherence to ethical principles and a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach, and requires reporting and oversight to ensure protection and transparency for research subjects.

Resolution 18: Directs the IAFF’s Cancer Research Committee to allocate funding for research into cancer risks for the children of fire fighters.

Resolution 19: Establishes an Emergency Operations Technology Committee to address the impacts of emerging technologies on fire fighter and emergency medical worker safety, funded by a per capita increase of 2 cents.

Resolution 20: Establishes the F.I.N.D. Program (Firefighters In Need of a Donor) to assist IAFF members in need of organ transplants by facilitating donor requests and matches.

Resolution 21: Proposes a 2-cent per capita increase to fund a Female Health & Safety Standing Committee to address unique health and safety issues for women in the fire service.

Resolution 22: Calls for a 12-cent per capita increase to formally establish and fund the IAFF Medical Assistance Program, aimed at expanding medical support and expert testimony for members.

Resolution 23: Reestablishes the IAFF Medical Residency Program, including the annual physicians’ meeting, to explore relationships with various medical institutions, retaining previously allocated funds for this purpose.

Resolution 24: Establishes, with a 1-cent per capita increase, an IAFF program of subject matter experts to assist in National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigations involving fire fighter response, injuries, or fatalities, ensuring fire service input is included.

Resolution 25: Directs the IAFF to collaborate with OSHA to research and adjust standards for accommodating fire fighters with pseudofolliculitis barbae.

Resolution 26: Increases per capita 4 cents to enhance IAFF involvement in wildland urban interface (WUI) issues, funding training, lobbying, and response efforts.

Resolution 28: Updates the requirements for the Elected Human Relations Committee, allowing for more flexible training and meeting schedules, and superseding the outdated language of Resolution 1988-61.

Resolution 29: Proposes a 2-cent per capita increase to fund and expand the IAFF’s organizing program, aiming to grow membership and enhance political power.

Resolution 31: Directs the IAFF to pursue federal funding and initiatives, including a Firefighter Research Stamp, to support cancer research specifically focused on firefighters.

Resolution 33: Calls for the reevaluation and enhancement of the IAFF Alumni program, encourages Locals to adopt active-retired membership options, and stipulates the development of educational materials and engagement programs for active-retired members and IAFF Alumni.

Resolution 34: Discontinues funding from a 2002 resolution for NFPA 1710 promotional videos, reducing per capita by 1 cent.

Resolution 35: Discontinues funding from a 2006 resolution for an IAFF Pension Trustee summit, reducing per capita by ½ cent.

Resolution 36: Proposes expanding and securing funding for IAFF scholarships by increasing the per capita by 1 cent and allowing flexibility in fund usage across the three supported scholarship programs.

Resolution 37: Establishes a Fire Fighter Fidelity Fund to financially assist IAFF members facing criminal prosecution or public allegations for actions taken within the scope of their job duties, funded by a per capita increase of 20 cents until the fund reaches $3 million.

Resolution 39: Maintains the current per capita funding for the IAFF Foundation, citing improved fundraising, reduced administrative costs, and significant cost savings.

Resolution 40: Combines several IAFF conferences into an annual IAFF Strive for Excellence Summit, covering union leadership, health, safety, EMS, and human relations, and reallocates associated funding to support it. This resolution also establishes multiple award programs named after the previous conferences’ honorees.

Resolution 41: Reallocates per capita funds to simplify accounting and ensure all IAFF staff salaries and benefits are paid from the IAFF General Fund.

Resolution 42: Authorizes the IAFF Executive Board to explore membership opportunities for international fire fighters to access IAFF resources and services.

Resolution 44: Grants the IAFF Executive Board the authority to update policies and resolutions related to responding to active shooter incidents and opioid emergencies to keep pace with evolving threats and practices.

Resolution 61: Proposes increasing the per capita by 10.5 cents to fund two new GIS Analyst positions in the Fire & EMS Operations Department to address increased workload and complexity.