Run for Office

Running for office puts you in the driver seat to make positive changes for your members and your local union. Running for office is a lot of work, and your union wants you to be successful. From campaign support, training, to financial support, we’ve got your back.

In This Section

Before You Run for Office

Before you run for office, the first thing to do is to evaluate what it will take to run a successful campaign. Running for office is a lot of work and there are some things to think about before you decide to run for office.

Ask yourself, "Is running for office right for me?"

Determine what it takes to win.

Check you are qualified to run for office.

Set yourself up for success.

Research what you need to get on the ballot.

Seek legal and campaign finance law expertise.

Campaign First Steps

Make sure to gather support from your friends, family, and union family to build a winning campaign team. Once you have your team in place, make sure to plan, write it down, and stay consistent yet flexible. Goals or metrics may change but your written campaign plan will guide you through the campaign.

Choose a Campaign Manager

Run the Numbers

Set Up Finances

Establish a Campaign Plan

Campaign Guides

The IAFF wants to you to succeed and has provided you with guides to get your campaign started. Please note that one size does not fit all; however, regardless of the scale or duration of a campaign, the core principles will always apply.


FIREPAC is an IAFF-managed political action committee (PAC) that can donate to your campaign. IAFF members and their family members running for publicly elected office are eligible to request a FIREPAC contribution. Here’s what you need:

  • FIREPAC Contribution Request Form
  • Letter of endorsement from your home local president
  • Letter of endorsement from a local president that you would represent if elected
  • Copy of your campaign budget

Learn more about FIREPAC and sign up now!