Safety & Protection
No work at the IAFF is more important than advocating for our members’ health, safety, and protection. Explore the wealth of resources we have collected and keep updating, including field experiments, PPE, and extensive information on diseases, presumption laws, behavioral health, HazMat, wildfire safety, hostile events training, and disaster relief.
Behavioral Health
There is growing concern about behavioral health issues in the fire service and the significant impact on wellness. The IAFF is committed to supporting our members and their families by providing the tools, resources, and education needed to improve behavioral health.
Disaster Relief
Our Disaster Relief program facilitates a rapid response to care for members and their families on the ground during disasters, providing fuel, food, water, equipment, peer support, and direct financial aid. From the front porch to the frontlines, we’re with members every step of the way.
Disease & Illness
We are continuously searching for resources and information on how to prevent and treat the most common and serious health problems that affect fire fighters and emergency medical workers.
Fire Ground Survival
Fire fighters must be trained to perform potentially life-saving actions if they become lost, disoriented, injured, low on air, or trapped. The IAFF Fire Ground Survival program is the most comprehensive survival skills and Mayday prevention program currently available within the fire service.
HazMat Training
The IAFF recognizes that every call is a potential HazMat call. Each year thousands of fire fighters are exposed to chemical and biological hazards in the performances of their duties. Our mission is to train all levels of fire fighters in their own departments and customize the training to jurisdictional hazards.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is the first line of defense for our members when they entire a fire or HazMat incident. The PPE designed to protect us must be free from cancer-causing toxic chemicals.
Safe Staffing
Bottom line – nothing keeps fire fighters and their communities safer than more fire fighters. Learn why crew size matters and what standards the IAFF advocates for.
Wildfire Training
Wildfires are no longer a seasonal or regional threat. The IAFF is training members to safely and effectively respond to the challenges of wildland and urban interface fires across the United States and Canada.
Workplace Violence Protection
Workplace Violence Prevention for First Responders is a free, online course that aims to equip fire and EMS responders with the skills and knowledge to protect themselves in potentially violent situations.