Motorcycle Group

The IAFF Motorcycle Group (IAFF-MG) was created through a resolution at the 2004 IAFF Convention. The IAFF-MG is designed to bring together active, retired, and alumni members and members of recognized affiliates from across the International and to promote fraternalism among the IAFF’s ranks. The IAFF-MG is open to IAFF members who own and ride motorcycles.

How to Join

You must be an active IAFF member, an active-retired IAFF member, a member of the IAFF Alumni, or an IAFF headquarters staff member to join the IAFF-MG.

To join the IAFF-MG online, you must first create a login (if you do not already have one) through the IAFF website.

To create an IAFF member login, you will need your local number and your seven-digit IAFF member ID number. Your IAFF member ID number can be found on your IAFF ID card or contact [email protected]. Note: Your IAFF username/password for the IAFF’s website will be the same username/password you will use for the IAFF-MG’s website.

After logging in to the IAFF’s website, you will find the Dues/Subscriptions tab at the top right of the member profile page. Click the tab and follow the instructions to pay your new IAFF-MG member dues. The IAFF-MG’s annual dues are $100 per year.

After paying your dues online, you will receive an email confirming your transaction. If you are having problems or questions about paying your dues online, please call the IAFF Accounting Department at (202) 737-8484.

Renew Your IAFF-MG Yearly Membership Dues

IAFF-MG active and associate members can renew their membership online with a credit card by logging in to the IAFF’s website or by calling (202) 737-8484 to renew over the phone. You can also mail in your payment to 1750 New York Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20006.

You can now access and review your IAFF/IAFF-MG membership information and status online through the IAFF website. When you log in to the IAFF’s site, you will be taken directly into your membership profile where you can change your password, email and other contact information. In addition, you will be able to see your IAFF-MG membership number at the bottom of your membership record and check your dues payment history.

IAFF-MG Life Members

IAFF-MG members that have paid their dues for 10 consecutive years and completed 10 consecutive years of membership you will reach your life member status. At which time, you will receive a new IAFF-MG life member card and patch. In addition, your annual IAFF-MG dues will be cut in half. If you need to check on your life member status, email IAFF-MG Vice-Chairman Michael Crouse at [email protected].

IAFF-MG Local and State Chapter Members

IAFF-MG members affiliated with an established IAFF-MG Local or state/provincial chapter are required to pay their dues directly to their respective chapter. The IAFF-MG Local or state/provincial chapter will then remit the dues for their members (active, associate, and/or life) directly to the IAFF-MG.

IAFF-MG Membership Package

Click here for proper patch placement on your IAFF-MG vest.

New Members (Active and Associate): New IAFF-MG members will receive their membership packages 3-5 weeks after paying their initial IAFF-MG annual dues. The new member package will include a welcome letter from the IAFF-MG, an IAFF-MG membership card and a patch. 

IAFF-MG Member Renewals: Starting in 2018, IAFF-MG members renewing their annual dues will receive an email confirmation from the IAFF-MG Committee upon payment. The IAFF-MG will no longer be sending out IAFF-MG yearly patches; however, IAFF-MG members after completing their 5/10/15/20/25 years of membership in the IAFF-MG will receive “Years of Service” patches.

IAFF-MG Life Members: Those IAFF-MG members that completed 10 consecutive years of membership in the IAFF-MG will become life members in the IAFF-MG. As life members, you will receive a life member package that will include a letter from the IAFF-MG, a new IAFF-MG life membership card and a life member patch for your vest.

IAFF-MG Membership Cards: IAFF-MG membership cards will be replaced as needed. For those IAFF-MG members that have lost or damaged their current IAFF-MG membership card, you may request a replacement card from the IAFF-MG Vice-Chairman at [email protected]. Replacement cards will be sent out 3-5 weeks from the date of the request.