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Other Programs

FDNY WTC Medical Monitoring and Treatment Program

Organization: Fire Department of New York (FDNY) Bureau of Health Services (BHS)
Population: Active and retired FDNY members
What does this program do? FDNY Bureau of Health Services began providing medical treatment for FDNY members after 9/11. The program provides medical screening and treatment services for active and retired FDNY members. There are several FDNY Clinics throughout the NYC area.
Can I still enroll? Yes, enrollment is open through the WTC Health Program. All active FDNY fire and EMS members receive WTC medical monitoring as part of their annual BHS physical. Retired FDNY members can enroll for the program by submitting the WTC Health Program FDNY Responder Application (PDF). There is currently no enrollment deadline.
Contact: Call the FDNY Bureau of Health Services at 718-999-1858

Pharmacy Benefits

The World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program provides prescription coverage for members with certified WTC-related health conditions.