Presumptive Disability Law in Oklahoma
Title 11. Cities and Towns
Chapter 49 Oklahoma fire fighters Pension and Retirement System
110 Certificates of disability, presumptions, medical evidence and records
Title 85A. Administrative Workers Compensation System
Section 13. Mental Injury or Illness
Section 14. Cardiovascular, coronary, pulmonary, respiratory, or cerebrovasculary accidents and myocardial infarctions.
§85A-13. Mental injury or illness.
A. 1. A mental injury or illness is not a compensable injury unless caused by a physical injury to the employee, and shall not be considered an injury arising out of and in the course and scope of employment or compensable unless demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence; provided, however, that this physical injury limitation shall not apply to any victim of a crime of violence.
2. No mental injury or illness under this section shall be compensable unless it is also diagnosed by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist and unless the diagnosis of the condition meets the criteria established in the most current issue of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
B. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, where a claim is for mental injury or illness, the employee shall be limited to twenty-six (26) weeks of disability benefits unless it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that benefits should continue for a set period of time, not to exceed a total of fifty-two (52) weeks.
2. a. In cases where death results directly from the mental injury or illness within a period of one (1) year, compensation shall be paid the dependents as provided in other death cases under this act.
b. Death directly or indirectly related to the mental injury or illness occurring one (1) year or more from the incident resulting in the mental injury or illness shall not be a compensable injury.
§85A-14. Cardiovascular, coronary, pulmonary, respiratory, or cerebrovasculary accidents and myocardial infarctions.
A. A cardiovascular, coronary, pulmonary, respiratory, or cerebrovascular accident or myocardial infarction causing injury, illness, or death is a compensable injury only if, in relation to other factors contributing to the physical harm, the course and scope of employment was the major cause.
B. An injury or disease included in subsection A of this section shall not be deemed to be a compensable injury unless it is shown that the exertion of the work necessary to precipitate the disability or death was extraordinary and unusual in comparison to the employee’s usual work in the course of the employee’s regular employment, or that some unusual and unpredicted incident occurred which is found to have been the major cause of the physical harm. Added by Laws 2013, c. 208, § 14, eff. Feb. 1, 2014. Amended by Laws 2019, c. 476, § 6, emerg. eff. May 28, 2019.
Sec. 11-49-110.
Certificates of disability – Presumptions – Medical evidence and records.
- 1. No fire fighter shall be retired, as provided in Section 49-109 of this title, or receive any pension from the System, unless there shall be filed with the State Board certificates of the fire fighter’s disability. Any member of the fire department of any municipality who is disabled as a result of heart disease, injury to the respiratory system, infectious disease, or the existence of any cancer which heart disease, injury to the respiratory system, infectious disease, or cancer was not revealed by the physical examination passed by the member upon entry into the department, shall be presumed to have incurred the heart disease, injury to the respiratory system, infectious disease, or cancer while performing the fire fighter’s duties as a member of such department unless the contrary is shown by competent evidence. As used in this section, “infectious disease” means hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus, meningitis and tuberculosis. Effective November 10, 1999, the provisions of this subsection relating to infectious disease shall apply.
- 2. Medical treatment based on the presumptions prescribed by subsection A of this section shall be provided by the municipality as a job-related illness until a court of competent jurisdiction determines that the presumption does not apply. If it is subsequently determined that the illness is not job-related, the workers’ compensation provider shall be reimbursed for expenditures made for health care services by the medical plan or benefit provided by the municipality for the employee.
- 3. If any such member fails to submit evidence of a physical examination prior to entry into the fire department, there shall be no presumption the heart disease, injury to the respiratory system, infectious disease, or cancer was incurred while performing the fire fighter’s official duties and it shall be the duty of the State Board to determine if the heart disease, injury to the respiratory system, infectious disease, or cancer was incurred while performing the member’s official duties.