
After extensive member engagement and a thorough review of the candidates, the IAFF Executive Board has voted not to endorse a candidate in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

At its October meeting, the IAFF Executive Board, by a margin of 1.2%, voted to not endorse a candidate in the 2024 presidential election. Over the past year, the IAFF took unprecedented steps to hear our members’ views on the candidates and the policy issues that matter most to them.

As we have over our 106-year history, the IAFF will continue its work to improve the lives of fire fighters and their families. The IAFF Executive Board determined that we are better able to advocate for our members and make progress on the issues that matter to them if we, as a union, are standing shoulder-to-shoulder. This decision, which we took very seriously, is the best way to preserve and strengthen our unity.

We encourage our members – and all eligible voters – to get out and make their voices heard in the upcoming election.

Process & Candidate Materials

This year, the IAFF:

  • Conducted its first member-wide political survey, which was designed by Republican pollster Dr. Frank Luntz.
  • Held focus groups of rank-and-file members and affiliate leaders, allowing a forum for members to voice their political priorities.
  • Held in-person town halls in Minnesota, Connecticut, Ontario, Pennsylvania, and Florida, and two virtual town halls open to all members.
  • Held a virtual town hall with state and provincial officers.
  • Welcomed both major party nominees for Vice President – Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) and Senator JD Vance (R-OH) – to address delegates at the IAFF’s 57th Convention in Boston.
  • Sent both campaigns identical questionnaires on key fire fighter issues: health and safety, wages, benefits, pension protection, collective bargaining, and more.

Members can review the completed questionnaires below [IAFF login is required]:

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