One of the IAFF’s newest locals, Tomball, TX Local 5249 serves a suburb of Houston that is growing in both in its residential and commercial areas. This expansion is leading to an increased need for emergency services and an expanding fire department.
“We formed Local 5249 because it was time to take a more organized, proactive approach to addressing the needs of our community,” says Local 5249 President Chris Thornton. “We know the union will provide excellent support moving forward.”
“I am proud to welcome Tomball fire fighters to the IAFF and the 11th District family,” says 11th District Vice President Sandy McGhee. “We are looking forward to working with Local 5249 to strengthen Tomball’s fire service and any issues that may arise.”
Joining Thornton on the Local 5249 Executive Board are Secretary Matt Capozzelli and Treasurer Dave Harrington.