Vincent Mattone, a 30-year veteran of the Fire Department of New York and retired member of the Uniformed Firefighters Association Local 94, received an alarming diagnosis of chronic kidney disease about a year ago. His window for finding a matching donor is quickly closing.
Mattone, 64, and his son-in-law, Uniformed Fire Officers Association (UFOA) Local 854 member Ray Coyle, have gone through several channels — including contacting fellow Local 94 and Local 854 members. Still, no match has been found.
Meanwhile, Mattone’s health is continuing to deteriorate. If a match is not found soon, he faces dialysis for the rest of his life.
The family is requesting if any IAFF member can help or knows someone who can to contact Coyle at (917) 742-8649, the New York University Langone Transplant Institute at (212) 263-8134 or the donor number at (212) 263-3621.