Calgary, AB Local 255 President Mike Carter was sworn in as 6th District Vice President November 26 following a special election held to fill the position vacated by Mike Hurley, who was elected mayor of Burnaby, British Columbia, October 20.
“I’m looking forward to the challenge and working with a strong team of leaders within the 6th District, and to supporting them and all the work they do for our members,” says Carter.
A 20-year veteran Calgary fire fighter, Carter has served on the Local 255 Executive Board for eight years, the last four years as president. The IAFF6th District, which includes British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territory, is home to 82 affiliates and 10,120 members.
General President Harold Schaitberger says Carter will be a great leader for IAFF members across western Canada and strong voice on the IAFFExecutive Board. “I am confident that he will represent the members and affiliates of the 6th District in an outstanding manner, and I look forward to working with him in accomplishing the important work of our great union.”
Earlier this year, Carter led a successful campaign against a city proposal to accept longer fire department response times in newly-built Calgary neighbourhoods. City council backed away from the idea after Local 255 made the public aware of the dangers of the proposal.
Carter was nominated by Vancouver, BC Local 18 President Rob Weeks, Grande Prairie, AB Local 2770 President Ian MacDonald and Saskatoon, SK Paramedic Association Local 3270 President Paul Hills.