The Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union (MPFFU) is now five affiliates stronger after 8th District Vice President Mark Sanders led a ceremonial oath of membership for the 70 new members at the MPFFU 6th District fall meeting. MPFFU President Mark Docherty, Secretary-Treasurer Terry Chesney and 6th District Vice President Matt Sahr were also present.
“It’s an honor to represent the 8th district in welcoming our newest members. Thanks to the MPFFU and 6th District Vice President Sahr for the opportunity to kick off the meeting is such a meaningful way,” says District Vice President Sanders. “Each of these new members will make great additions to our great union. We are stronger together.”
“From negotiations to training and networking opportunities, there is immense value in affiliating with the IAFF and the MPFFU,” says MPFFU 6th District Vice President Sahr. “It was an honor to help them with their organizing efforts. I look forward to continuing to work with them.”
Rochester Local 5234 formed in 2019 as the Rochester Fire Department, a combination department, and began adding more career members. Local 5234 members wanted to make sure they had a seat at the table as decisions are made about the future of their department.
Upon joining the IAFF, Local 5324 had immediate access to IAFF and MPFFU resources.
Inspired by Local 5234’s actions, one former IAFF affiliate, White Lake Township Local 5239, decided to reaffiliate. Four new locals, including Highland Township Local 5267, Orion Township Local 5342, Lyon Township Local 5309 and North Oakland Fire Authority Local 5346 also organized and affiliated with the union and the MPFFU.