Find a Training


Trainings are hosted by an IAFF Local or affiliated fire department. Because host sites typically choose to limit attendance to their own IAFF Local or neighboring departments, the upcoming training schedule is not posted online.

Occasionally, a host site has space available for outside participants. The IAFF maintains a list of those who have expressed interest in learning when class openings occur. Notification is typically sent to the list within a few weeks of the training date.

Individuals who want to participate in the training at another host site must: (1) obtain the approval of their Local president; (2) register and communicate directly with the host point of contact; and (3) be responsible for travel expenses and any registration fee charged by the host.

Sign up to be placed on the IAFF Resiliency Support Training Contact List.


There are two ways to attend a virtual training:

  • Through your organization:
    The IAFF Virtual Resiliency Training can be hosted by an IAFF Local or affiliated fire department, and participation in the training is limited to those the host organization invites. If your Local or department is interested in hosting a virtual training, please complete the IAFF Virtual Resiliency Training Request Form and email it to [email protected].
  • As an individual:
    The IAFF Virtual Resiliency Training will also be hosted by IAFF headquarters on limited number of dates. These trainings are open to all IAFF members and fire service personnel. Check back here (below) for upcoming training dates or sign up here to be notified of scheduled trainings.

upcoming virtual trainings