Fire Ground Survival Train-the-Trainer Course
IAFF FGS Train-the-Trainer Course is hosted by a fire department utilizing IAFF FGS Master Instructors and is designed to certify FGS Instructors by the IAFF from within IAFF-affiliated fire departments from the ranks of fire fighters, company officers and chief officers.
IAFF FGS Train-the-Trainer Course is hosted by a fire department utilizing IAFF FGS Master Instructors and is designed to certify FGS Instructors by the IAFF from within IAFF-affiliated fire departments from the ranks of fire fighters, company officers, and chief officers.
These IAFF-Certified FGS Instructors will have the ability to train their fire department’s recruits and incumbents who have completed the FGS Online Awareness Course.
IAFF-Certified FGS Instructors enhance these training sessions and increase retention by utilizing the FGS Classroom Instruction in addition to the FGS Online Awareness Course materials. IAFF-Certified FGS Instructors are also certified to deliver the FGS Hands-On Skills Training. Additionally, IAFF-Certified FGS Instructors are certified to train selected members as FGS Assistant Instructors from their fire department to assist in delivering the FGS Operations Course.
IAFF-affiliated fire departments can host a four-day FGS Train-the-Trainer Course by scheduling through the IAFF Occupational Health, Safety and Medicine Division. The fire department host will determine class dates and location in coordination with IAFF staff. IAFF FGS Master Instructors shall teach the FGS Train-the-Trainer Course.
- Accessibility: Only licensed IAFF local-affiliated fire departments will be allowed to host an IAFF FGS Train-the-Trainer Course. Learn more about host requirements.
- Prerequisites: FGS Online Awareness Course; be a fire fighter or employed by a fire department and involved in a fire service training program; at least one year of teaching experience; demonstrated ability to teach from prepared materials; and certification to the NFPA Instructor I level or equivalent.
- FGS Certification: Members successfully completing the IAFF FGS Train-the-Trainer four-day course will receive an IAFF-Certified Instructor Certificate, which will include date of completion and identification of hours trained (32 hours for FGS Train-the-Trainer course).
The four-day Train-the-Trainer course has three main purposes. First, to review the online materials so as to increase the candidates’ knowledge related to fire ground survival. Second, to improve the candidates’ ability to deliver the prepared classroom lessons to fire fighters from their department, and lastly, to improve the candidates’ ability to demonstrate and teach the practical survival skills that are part of the FGS curriculum.
The course will focus on:
- Preventing the Mayday
- Being Ready for the Mayday
- Self-Survival Procedures
- Self-Survival Skills
- Managing a Mayday
The course will be taught by IAFF Fire Ground Survival Master Instructors using small-group learning methods. They will begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 5:00 p.m. on most days provided that all of the learning objectives for that day are covered. One hour will be given for lunch.
Students will spend part of the time in a classroom setting and the rest of the time performing practical self-survival skills while wearing full protective equipment (PPE), including SCBA.
Course Costs and Purchasing Details
- If a department has the Fire Ground Survival and/or Fire Fighter Rescue props and only needs the class and student manuals/certificates = $42,000 USD
- If a department has the Fire Ground Survival props but needs to purchase the Fire Fighter Rescue props/signs and needs the class and student manuals/certificates = $57,000 USD
- If a department needs only the Fire Ground Survival props and the class and student manuals/certificates (does not want FF Rescue class/props) = $57,500 USD
- If a department needs the FGS/FF Rescue class including the FGS trailer = $105,000 USD
- If a department needs the FGS/FF Rescue class and needs all props (does not include the trailer) = $72,000 USD
NOTE: Pricing is subject to change
Contact the IAFF at [email protected] with questions
All workshop and examination fees and purchase costs are in U.S. funds
We accept checks, money orders and credit cards (VISA/MasterCard/Amex/Discover)
Checks or money orders, in U.S. funds, shall be made payable to: IAFF – Health and Safety/FGS Program
Cancellation Policy
Once a course’s date is scheduled, it cannot be postponed due to a lack of registrants. The only cancellation exception would be due to an “Act of God.” If a workshop is postponed, the host site can reschedule a future date. The IAFF will not be responsible for refunding airline or train tickets associated to the fire department, IAFF local affiliate or individual should a cancellation occur due to an “Act of God.”
There will be no refunds of the course, examination fees or study materials. Emergency medical situations prior to or during a workshop may be reviewed by the IAFF, but it will be up to the discretion of the IAFF to determine if a refund is warranted. All medical emergency reporting must include valid documentation or paperwork, otherwise possible consideration of a refund will not be granted.
Contact the IAFF and inform them of your desire to become a host FGS workshop and examination site. Workshop and administration sites affiliated with the IAFF will be given preferential treatment as host sites.
To ensure that the IAFF Fire Ground Survival (FGS) Program is being delivered properly and only as intended, a formal licensing policy has been implemented that specifies the way in which this IAFF FGS Program can legally be used.
The IAFF currently has 25 IAFF certified FGS Master Instructors. Prospective instructors for the four-day FGS Train-the-Trainer course must meet certain qualifications.
Apply for grant funding to bring the IAFF Fire Ground Survival (FGS) Train-the-Trainer Program to your department.