The Uniformed Professional Fire Fighters Association (UPFFA) of Connecticut is proud to announce Stamford, CT Local 786 is reaffiliating with the state association after a 12-year absence.
“I was proud to work with Local 786 President David Davis and his 243 members to bring the local back into the state association,” says UPFFA President Peter Carozza. “Having Local 786 back in the fold will be a tremendous asset as we fight for issues important to all Connecticut fire fighters.”
Local 786 President Davis says he and his members saw how hard the UPFFA had been working on behalf of all fire fighters and paramedics. They knew the time was right to reaffiliate.
“We are stronger together,” says Davis. “We look forward to standing alongside our UPFFA leaders as they fight for better protections for fire fighters and paramedics across the state.”
Stamford Local 786 is now united with 70 other UPFFA locals.