Michigan fire fighters rally for passage of critical staffing bill 

Michigan fire fighters stand united at the State Capitol in support of legislation that would give them a seat at the table to discuss short-staffing issues.

December 4 • 2024

Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union members have intensified efforts to put staffing levels back on the bargaining table. With the state legislative session winding down, they’re rallying behind a long-stalled proposal that could give them a stronger voice in decisions affecting safety and readiness. 

Like many states, Michigan faces severe understaffing in several communities, and leadership believes the problems will only worsen without passage of HB 4688. 
“This is not just about fire fighter safety; it’s also about the safety of our residents,” MPFFU President Matthew Sahr said. “We need to be able to bargain for adequate staffing so that we can immediately respond to fire, EMS, and special operations calls. Put simply: Having enough fire fighters enables us to protect the lives of our citizens more effectively and efficiently.” 

More than 400 MPFFU members from across the state gathered on the steps of the state Capitol in Lansing on Dec. 3 to urge passage of the bill.  
IAFF 8th District Vice President Mark Sanders spoke at the rally. 

President Sahr and the MFFU go where the fight is. And the fight over being able to bargain for adequate staffing is happening at the State Capitol. Michigan fire fighters can’t be successful in their mission to protect the people in their community without fire fighters. The time is now for our state legislators to pass this bill.

IAFF 8th District Vice President Mark sanders

“President Sahr and the MFFU go where the fight is. And the fight over being able to bargain for adequate staffing is happening at the State Capitol,” Sanders said. “Michigan fire fighters can’t be successful in their mission to protect the people in their community without fire fighters. The time is now for our state legislators to pass this bill.” 
Michigan’s Public Employee Relations Act outlines topics that can be discussed during collective bargaining. Staffing was one of those subjects up until about two decades ago when the City of Jackson successfully fought to have it removed.  

According to the MPFFU, Michigan has 50 career fire fighters per 100,000 residents. That’s a low number compared to neighboring states like Ohio, which has over 100 fire fighters per 100,000.  
“These numbers are unacceptable,” Sahr said. “That is why we are doing everything we can to convince our lawmakers to support this bill. “ 

While the MPFFU continues to lobby for the passage of the house bill, State Senator Veronica Klinefelt has introduced Senate Bill 1167, a companion to the House bill.  

Fire fighters across the state say legislators have voiced support for the bill, but time is running out for its passage in the lame-duck session. Michigan closes the books on this legislative session Dec. 19.