Members from seven IAFF affiliates will be cycling from the Santa Monica Pier in California to New York City, arriving on September 9 in time for the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorists attacks. Cyclists in the Ride for America event will cover 3,200 miles in 40 days.
Fire fighters will depart on August 1. On the journey, the cyclists will stop to pay their respects at the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial, the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial. Upon arrival in New York City, they will also stop at the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum.
California cyclists are members of Los Angeles County Local 1014; Los Angeles City Local 112; Ventura County Local 1364; and San Francisco Local 798. Washington state cyclists are members of South Kitsap Local 2819, Bellevue Local 1604 and Pierce County Local 726. All are part of Fire Velo, a cycling club for fire fighters or its Northwest chapter.
“Cycling club members work hard to raise awareness and charitable donations to organizations that help fire fighters with occupational illnesses or injuries,” says Kevin McIntyre, event organizer and Pierce County Local 726 member. “What we hope to do over the course of this cross-country ride is to raise at least $100,000 to divide among four foundations helping fire fighters who became sick or are otherwise still affected by the terrorists attacks.”
The foundations include the Gary Sinise Foundation, the San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation, the Friends of Firefighters Foundation and the Fire Family Foundation.
Fire Velo and Northwest Fire Velo are 501(c)3 non-profits and all donations are tax deductible. To donate, visit the Fire Velo website.
You can follow the riders on their journey on Facebook @FireVelo or Instagram @Firevelontl.