We’re excited to partner with the Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) to kick off Fire Fighter Cancer Awareness Month!
The month-long campaign, which launches January 4, is designed to engage affiliates, members and their fire departments in efforts to prevent and reduce fire fighters’ risk of occupational cancer. The Fire Fighter Cancer Awareness Month website contains information and tools to help fire fighters become more educated and aware about why cancer cases are on the rise in the fire service and how to limit day-to-day exposures to carcinogens.
Each week of this campaign focuses on a specific theme:
- Week 1: Scope of Cancer in the Fire Service
- Week 2: Scientific Research Related to Occupational Cancer
- Week 3: Occupational Cancer Prevention
- Week 4: Survivorship, Leadership and Culture Change
We encourage you to use content from each week to hold a weekly safety stand down in your department to engage members in discussions on steps to take to reduce the risk of occupational cancer.
Resources for each week include factsheets, relevant research, PowerPoint presentations, survivor stories, podcasts and social graphics, and includes information to help you navigate the content and focus on topics of interest. In addition to weekly content, training briefs can be used as discussion tools educate fire fighters on reducing the risk of occupational cancer.
Bookmark this site for quick and easy access anytime.