Denver, CO Local 858 member Mike Somma was one of the top two vote-getters in the general election for an open seat on the Denver City Council. Now he will face Amanda Sandoval in the runoff election on June 4.
Somma, a 27-year veteran fire fighter, says he’s ready to do more for the community. “With assistance from the IAFF, I am proud of all my team has accomplished during this campaign,” says Somma. “Should I come away with a win next month, I am looking forward to improving public safety and affordable housing and public transportation.”
“Somma will be a phenomenal advocate for the citizens of Denver’s District One,” says Ray Rahne, IAFF 9th District Vice President. “His experiences as a Denver fire fighter in District One brings credible insight to the issues that face Denver citizens.”
Northwest Denver’s District 1 is an open seat – Council member Rafael Espinoza decided not to run for re-election. Seven candidates were competing in the election held May 7, but none of the candidates earned the necessary 51 percent of the vote to win the election outright. It comes down to the top two vote-getters.
The support for Somma appears to be strong as three of the candidates who didn’t make the runoff have announced they will be endorsing him against Sandoval, a former staffer for Espinoza.
To learn more about his campaign, visit his website.