Clark County, NV Local 1908 is taking it a step further and have established its own health care center.
Clark County Local 1908 members opened the doors to FirstResponse Family Care Center August 3.
“It is all about providing the best service to our members,” says Clark County Local 1908 President Ryan Beaman. “Out of this center, our members, retirees and dependents can see a primary care physician, have lab work done and their prescriptions filled on site.”
Local 1908’s self-insured health plan is managed by a board of trustees (all members). The trustees make it a priority to look for ways to control costs while ensuring that members and their dependents receive quality care. There are no co-pays and members receive certain prescriptions at reduced rates.
We are already looking to offer additional services at the center, but this is a great starting point,” says Beaman.
Currently there are 3,000 active and active-retired Local 1908 members who receive health insurance coverage through the local.