In our continued effort to modernize the IAFF’s annual budget, we implemented a new process to ensure better efficiency and transparency. This new budget process involved all IAFF divisions early in the development process to streamline preliminary approval by the General President and allow for a clean presentation to the Executive Board. This change came about, in part, due to recommendations received from the consulting firm, BDO USA, LLP.
As we continue to refine our policies and procedures here at headquarters, we hired BDO to perform a strategic operations assessment — focusing primarily on the Finance Department, which falls under the purview of the Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer. BDO helped — and is continuing to help in areas such as budgeting processes previously mentioned, accounting systems and internal controls. It is my hope that with the guidance of BDO, we can maximize our ability to work on behalf of our members.
As we strive to improve our affiliate resources, my staff, with the help of experienced panelists, will be offering revamped workshops at the Affiliate Leadership Training Summit (ALTS) in January. The new workshops included are as follows: Best Practices for Secretaries, Best Practices for Treasurers, Building Your Local Union’s Budget, and QuickBooks – Real World Overview.
Below you will find the IAFF’s Fiscal Year 2019 budget. The Executive Board approved the line-item budget during its meeting on October 25, 2018. Based on 300,000 members, the budget is $52,453,680 from per capita and $19,774,263 from anticipated non-per capita revenue for a total budget of $72,227,943.
2019 Budget Total $72,227,943
Administration Subtotal: $13,873,680
Behavioral Health Committee: $86,192
Burn Coordinators: $55,540
Canadian Office: $883,167
Chaplain: $8,324
Contingency: $451,975
DFSR: $469,135
District Administration: $2,955,520
EMS Standing Committee: $74,838
Executive Board: $529,621
FFF Memorial: $690,253
Grant Reviewer: $96,310
HR Committee: $137,705
Legal Administration: $1,666,865
Media: $527,499
Minimal Resolutions: $575
Non-CB Committee: $17,500
Office of the GP: $1,507,064
Office of the GST: $1,349,184
OSHA Committee: $86,192
Peer Support Services: $486,526
PFT Oversight Committee: $74,805
Public Relations: $743,845
Service Reps: $487,290
Standards Committee: $213,450
Standing WF Comm: $73,828
Trustees: $200,477
Programs Subtotal $24,142,397
ALTS: $1,337,219
Alumni: $56,600
Canadian Leg Conference: $130,950
CTA: $23,000
Education/Hazmat: $994,759
Fighting Back: $770,000
Fire & EMS Ops: $1,759,288
Fire Ops: $60,300
Global Alliance: $19,700
Government Affairs: $1,059,960
Grants/HAZMAT: $7,877,115
Health, Safety & Medicine: $3,125,694
HR Tech Assist: $26,250
Instructional Development: $159,587
Labor Issues/Collective Bargaining $1,280,836
MDA: $198,425
Membership Svc/TAIR: $463,985
Organizing: $72,500
PEP: $775,280
Political Action: $675,255
Public Relations: $1,207,650
Redmond/EMS Conference: $1,110,374
Scholarship-Harv/LC: $68,500
U.S. Leg Conference $642,190
Wildland FF Safety: $246,981
Intercompany Operations Subtotal: $9,624,208
Foundation Operations: $1,795,271
Disaster Ops Funding: $252,008
EDF: $1,446,526
FIREPAC: $8,300,523
General Allocations: $196,211
Grant Allocations: $2,113,466
IAFF Financial Corp: $124,806
Motorcycle Group Funding: $14,750
Internal Operations Subtotal: $4,205,748
Office of the GST: $391,003
Accounting: $601,723
Communications & IS Admin: $482,516
Conference Planning: $303,668
Database Administration: $390,596
Finance & Membership Admin: $320,126
Human Resources: $476,478
Information Technology: $472,177
Membership: $767,460
General Operations Subtotal: $20,381,911
Asset Allocations: $11,222,500
Corporate: $5,881,037
IAFF Smart (UT) Funding: $1,440,000
IT Maintenance: $241,521
Network & IT: $1,053,950
Production Center: $542,903