Affiliate Entry Form

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Accepted file types: pdf, jpeg, jpg, png, mov, mp4, avi, mp3, Max. file size: 10 MB.
Personal Statement of Release*

A personal statement of release allows the IAFF to use the photo or other materials in any official IAFF capacity. If you do not give permission, you are still eligible to enter the contest. The Media Awards are a tremendous resource for the IAFF to showcase our members doing the job, and we appreciate your consideration for full release.

By submitting a photograph or other material to the IAFF, I give the IAFF permission to use this material on its website, in its printed publications, and for public relations, education, and training materials, and for any other IAFF purposes as it sees fit without further consideration to me. I also acknowledge the IAFF’s right to crop or treat the photograph at its discretion.