Burn Injury Assistance
Burn Fund assistance may be awarded for the purpose of providing financial assistance for temporary emergency expenses when an IAFF member and/or a member of their immediate family (spouse and children) suffer a burn injury which requires admission to a burn center, resulting in a financial hardship. Disbursements shall only be granted for immediate travel, housing, food, medical supplies, services, and other similar assistance as deemed necessary.
IAFF Fire Fighter Burn Injury Notification Protocol
- Local president will notify the appropriate District Vice President.
- District Vice President will then notify the Assistant to the General President for Health, Safety and Medicine Division and/or the Chief of Staff, as well as the IAFF Burn Fund Coordinator and the District Burn Coordinator.
- District Burn Coordinator notifies the local’s point of contact.
Burn Fund Assistance Eligibility Requirements
- The applicant must be current IAFF member at the time the burn injury occurred.
- The burn injury required admission to a burn center. Funds are NOT awarded for minor injuries that do not require admission to a burn center.
- The member’s and/or a member of their immediate family’s (spouse and children) eligibility shall be based solely on need as determined by the Chair of the IAFF Foundation after review of the information provided by the local president and the District Vice President.
Burn Fund Assistance Application Process
- All applications for Burn Fund assistance must be submitted within 14 days from the date of the burn injury using the IAFF Burn Fund Assistance Application Form.
- All applications shall be submitted through the IAFF member’s local president. The IAFF local president shall verify the accuracy of the member’s claim for Burn Fund assistance.
- Verified applications for Burn Fund assistance shall be forwarded to the IAFF District Vice President.
Burn Fund Assistance Approval Process
The Chair of the IAFF Foundation, after review of the submitted application from the District Vice President, shall provide assistance.
Burn Injury Peer Support
Working in conjunction with the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, the IAFF has developed the Survivors Offering Assistance to Recovery (SOAR) program specifically for firefighters and their immediate family. This peer support group links a trained fire fighter burn survivor with the fire fighter and the family to assist in the recovery process. A children’s program is also available to focus on the child’s well-being and comfort.