Texas Governor Greg Abbott has appointed five new commissioners to the Texas Commission on Fire Protection (TCFP). Among them is Texas State Association of Fire Fighters (TSAFF) Trustee and Fort Worth Local 440 President Michael Glynn.
“It will be an honor to serve with the commission and its mission to protect Texas citizens and their property,” says Glynn. “Helping keep Texas fire fighters and other fire protection personnel safe begins with the important work of the TCFP in safety, training and credentialing.”
Through its 13-member board appointed by the governor, the TCFP develops and enforces statewide fire service standards and provides education and assistance to the industry.
“Michael is a strong leader in District 11. His work ethic, professionalism and good judgement will be an asset to the TCFP,” says 11th District Vice President Sandy McGhee.
TSAFF President John Riddle says, “All of us at the TSAFF thank the governor for this appointment and we congratulate Brother Glynn. Our 18,000 members in 190 communities will now have a strong advocate for fire service standards.”
The governor also appointed Edward Jones Financial Advisor Christopher Cantu, Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service Chief Executive Officer and retired fire fighter David Coatney, Gulf Coast Marine Contractors Vice President Clyde Loll, Star ER Emergency Room Nurse Administrator and West Carlisle Volunteer Fire Department Chief Tim Smith, and Longview Fire Chief J.P. Steelman.
The appointments are for terms expiring on February 1, 2027.