Thanksgiving Cooking Safety Toolkit

November 22 • 2019

Thanksgiving Day continues – year after year – to be the leader in home fires, injuries and death caused by cooking accidents. Unattended cooking and the misuse of cooking equipment are the leading contributing factors in cooking fires.

To assist IAFF affiliates in promoting Thanksgiving cooking safety, the IAFF has prepared a toolkit that includes a pre-written op-ed for local media, sample tweets/posts to go along with infographics for social media and a PSA video on using turkey fryers – the cooking appliance most likely to start a fire.

Send the op-ed and infographics to the media as soon as possible. Be sure to follow-up with reporters to let them know you are available to discuss tips for ensuring a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Increase both your social media and overall community presence by becoming the go-to source for safety tips as you spread this life-saving message.

Fire fighters and paramedics are the face of public safety in their communities. Use IAFF Toolkits to become a hub of safety information and resources for your local and the communities our members protect.